Terms of Use
The Madrona codebase, available at https://github.com/Ecotrust/madrona is released under a BSD license. The full license text is available at https://raw.github.com/Ecotrust/madrona/master/LICENSE.txt. Redistribution of the source code must retain the full license text without exception.
Documentation in the form of text and diagrams on the Madrona website and in the Madrona codebase are made available by Ecotrust under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.

All other content and materials contained therein, including, without limitation, designs, pictures, data, code, sound files, other files and the selection and arrangement thereof (collectively, the "Site Materials") are protected to the maximum extent permitted by copyright laws and international treaties. Any use, further reproduction or redistribution is prohibited without the express written consent of Ecotrust.
The Madrona name is a trademark of Ecotrust and may not be copied or imitated, in whole or in part, without prior written permission. The names of other companies, products and services are the property of their respective owners.
The Madrona logo may be used on web sites and in printed materials without specific written permission under the following conditions:
- Your name or logo is larger or more prominent than the Madrona logo.
- You comply with the Creative Commons License and BSD license for work of the project released under those terms, and respect the copyright in all other works published by Ecotrust.
- There is no confusion created between your use and the Madrona Project or Ecotrust and no implication that the content of the surrounding materials is endorsed by the Madrona Project or Ecotrust.
- The use is not detrimental, e.g., harmful or damaging, to the value of any of the Madrona marks, or to Ecotrust, its brand integrity, reputation or goodwill, such as use in connection with products, services or other content that (a) is vulgar, obscene, or pornographic, (b) includes statements concerning Ecotrust or the Madrona Project that are libelous, slanderous or otherwise defamatory, (c) would be considered a criminal offense or would encourage conduct that would be considered a criminal offense or (d) would create any civil liability.
- The logo is not increased in size or modified in any way, except that a decrease in size is permitted as long as the proportions remain the same.
- This limited license does not include the right to use any logo or any other trademark of Ecotrust as a trademark to promote your own products or services. For example, no ogo may be used on any product packaging or documentation, CD-ROM or diskette labels.
- You agree to indemnify Ecotrust and the Madrona Project against any legal or other costs created by your use of the logo.
- All uses of logos or stickers also must be in full compliance with the trademark, licensing and related policies as published by Ecotrust (and which may be changed from time to time). These policies and the conditions listed above may be changed from time to time without notice. Any changes will be available on the Web site. By using the logos, you agree to the terms contained herein.
Ecotrust may withdraw the permission granted to you at any time. If we withdraw our permission, you must immediately cease using all logos.
Some images on this website have been made available through the use of a Creative Commons license as noted by their attribution.
The following icons used on this website come from The Noun Project.
by The Noun Project, Attribution ( CC BY 3.0 )
by Johan H. W. Basberg, from The Noun Project, Attribution ( CC BY 3.0 )
by T. Weber, from The Noun Project, Attribution ( CC BY 3.0 )
by Scott Lewis, from The Noun Project, Attribution ( CC BY 3.0 )
by Carlo, from The Noun Project, Attribution ( CC BY 3.0 )
by Henry Ryder, from The Noun Project, Attribution ( CC BY 3.0 )
CC0 No rights reserved
CC0 No rights reserved
CC0 No rights reserved
CC0 No rights reserved